Software Projects

Programming is the ultimate writing tool. You can write something, and something happens, rather than just sitting there on the page. It is an artist's palette that includes tools for manipulating visual, audio, text, numerical, data, and other resources, for putting your ideas into action. You can write programs that talk to people, or talk to machines, or allow you to test your ideas about the world, such as in climate modeling, or to create fictional worlds, like those in modern computer games. And it is addicting, and it has been one of my favorite addictions since before the IBM PC came out. I started out writing programs that dealt with x-ray and electron diffraction, the high-temperature creep of metals, performing the Johnson-Saltykov analysis of particle size distributions, and monitoring and controlling laboratory testing systems. Now I pretty much write the monitoring and control programs for companies, plus a few of my own projects, related to my other favorite addiction, motor sports. These, and some of my older programs, are described in these pages.

BS4TV Icon BS4TV - Blue Screens for Track Videos, software that will let you combine the data you log at the race track with your track videos.
ksCNi Icon ksCNi - Software to communicate with and control the Newport CNi Series temperature/process controllers.
ksDaq Icon ksDAQ - Software that works with the National Instruments M-Series boards to perform basic analog and digital I/O.
Download Icon Downloads - Earlier programs I wrote that you might find useful.


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